Nie ma to jak przedświąteczna integracja u … Lipskich! We wtorek 28 listopada uczniowie klasy 1f wzięli udział w warsztatach pieczenia piernika strukturalnego oraz własnoręcznie wykonali piękne, świąteczne mydełka. Muzeum w Lewkowie przywitało nas zimową aurą. Było klimatycznie i bardzo, bardzo pachnąco. Wisienką na torcie okazał się wykład o historii …brudu. Dowiedzieliśmy się, co skrywa...Read More
Marriages are a common celebration of love, but each nation, location, and even city has its own distinctive customs and customs that add to the ceremony’s richness With its numerous cultures, faiths, and histories, Europe is no exception. For instance, this is a very aged German specialty known as Polterabend, a convention that many...Read More
Planning a wedding involves a lot of moving parts, whether it’s in your own garden or in a remote location. Creating a timeline is one way that brides- to- be( and managers! ) maintain consistency and make sure nothing breaks loose. A template that will guide you through the process of creating a wedding morning...Read More
When a Brazilian girl expresses curiosity in you, she will likely listen to your communications straight apart and ideal away. She might even help keep the conversation going for long, and she might even notice your name frequently in interactions. Additionally, she does pay a lot of attention to your stories and retain information...Read More